Konnorletterbee's Songlist

12,414 songs in 219 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

14630 R3 (CLUB ANOTHER VER.) tiger YAMATO DDR Anthology Pack 10 X 00:01:22 157 13
9997 [2020] Dazzlin' Darlin HHH ITG Hall of Fame 00:01:56 149 8 9
1888 [7399] [13] DIABLOSIS--Naga sky_delta ITL Online 2024 00:01:54 100-200 13
6335 Yatsuzaki DJ Sharpnel Megamax DJ Sharpnel SHARPNELSTREAMZ v2 00:05:32 200 16
9752 [10] Seashore on the moon Camellia ft. Nanahira ITL Online 2023 00:02:14 128 10
4080 Daddy Mulk S.S.H. Tachyon Beta 00:02:11 162 12
13011 Fishing Frenzy [V] From Csikos Post Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix (GC) (NA) 00:01:25 142 1 2 4 5 7
8830 luv future aran dimo's -V- selifmis 00:02:07 128 10
4722 [19] [225] Tenebris Kopophobia Stamina RPG 6 00:05:37 225 19
12011 JOMANDA [V] DJ YOSHITAKA DanceDanceRevolution 2014 (AC) 00:02:09 90-600 4 8 12 15 17 8 12 15 17
5974 Impulso della Notte hackd SPEEEDCOOOORE 3 00:02:19 158 16
9209 A Moon of Caral (Verdammt Remix) Nekomata Troupe BemaniBeats 6 00:01:51 135 1 3 5 8 11
11366 Drivin' NAOKI feat. PAULA TERRY DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (AC) 00:01:34 155 1 3 6 9 2 6 9
5648 [19] [230] Lethal Strike Hellion Sounds Stamina RPG 3 00:03:16 230 19
15438 Crazy Little Love Nuage Eurobeat Is Fantastic - Second Stage 00:04:16 153 10 11 13 14 10 12 13 14
7766 [17] [185] Asereje (Speed Mix) DJ Speedo feat. Wildside ECS12 - Lower 00:04:41 185 17
9683 [11] BIG PHIL Vorso ITL Online 2023 00:02:14 172 11
4109 Turii -Panta Rhei- Zektbach Tachyon Alpha 00:02:07 148 1 4 8 11 13
9041 Cairo Nairo Causality Violation Kommisar Causality Violation 00:01:56 165 17
5814 Bangin' Burst Camellia SPEEEDCOOOORE 4 00:01:59 234 14 14
6115 Unstoppable (The Return Of Natalie) Ola Shpadoinkle #8 00:02:04 138 9
4163 [28] [280] Candy Speed Pops Medley Kobaryo (mixed by glory limited.) Stamina RPG 7 - SN 00:16:51 280 28
13829 Time to Come Together [V] ♪♪♪♪♪ TrotMania Chrystalize 00:02:07 138 1 4 6 10 13
11770 Love kira splash [V] BEMANI Sound Team "Sota F." feat. Ichika DanceDanceRevolution A20 (AC) 00:02:05 152 2 6 10 14 6 10 14
53 Wake Up [V] Kid Whatever In The Groove 2 00:01:44 135 1 4 6 8 9 3 6 8 9
13287 B4U NAOKI Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX (AC) 00:01:39 155 3 5 7 10 14 5 8 10 15
8170 [27] [294] Beyond Life (Cut) FB 294 Helbinde ECS11 - Upper 00:01:21 294 27
9208 A Bouquet for Mistress Ann soejima takuma feat. Nekomata Master BemaniBeats 6 00:01:47 135 1 4 6 8 11
9615 [12] Moon Race ELEKTEL ITL Online 2023 00:01:53 147 12
10057 [2011] Cry For You (Darren Styles Remix) September ITG Hall of Fame 00:02:04 144 9
9028 Uber-Rave! Rage Cirque du Enzo 00:02:13 175 10 12 12 13
5002 [18] [190] Trails of Cold Stream FC (Part 4) Falcom Sound Team jdk ft. Kanako Kotera (Mixed by Rems) Stamina RPG 5 00:07:40 190 18
7851 [22] [255] Mechanical Love In This Moment ECS11.5 - Mid Raw Output 00:03:38 170 22
12936 GET IT ALL BRASS TRICKS DanceDanceRevolution (PS2) (All) (JP) 00:01:32 140 4 7 8 4 5 8
13242 Young Forever Rebecca Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX (AC) 00:01:34 140 3 5 7 3 5 7
6925 [10] FLAMES Tokyo Machine ITL Online 2022 00:02:27 128 10
12442 Return of the Machines Radio Mix Oforia feat. Bwicked DanceDanceRevolution (Xbox 360) (All) 00:01:55 144 1 2 4 6 1 2 4 6
13980 JYAANE (lo mix) Sentive popcandy2 00:01:52 110 1 1 3 5 8 1 3 5
5367 [17] [212] Zap Your Channel DJ Sharpnel Stamina RPG 4 00:03:08 212 17
11594 SHINY DAYS [V] Asaka DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (AC) 00:01:47 110 1 4 8 10 14 4 8 10 14
7763 [16] [190] Stuck in the Middle ONE OK ROCK ECS12 - Lower 00:03:32 190 16
5327 [16] [173] The Road Goes On Forever High Contrast Stamina RPG 4 00:05:42 173 16
7693 [20] [240] Sour Candy Lady Gaga, BLACKPINK ECS12 - Mid 00:02:38 240 20
8854 HARD BRAIN AJURIKA dimo's -V- selifmis 00:02:12 155 13
10538 [14] [154] too young to love FB 154 goreshit Stamina RPG 8 00:04:47 154 14
12490 Loops Jondi & Spesh feat. J-Bone DanceDanceRevolution (Xbox 360) (All) 00:01:49 200 1 3 6 8 1 3 6 8
14628 Pierce The Sky [V] JAKAZiD feat. K.N. DDR Anthology Pack 10 X 00:01:47 170 12 15
5674 [18] [222] NINJA IS DEAD P*Light Stamina RPG 3 00:03:36 222 18
7431 [28] [336] Connect 1986 Fantom ECS12 - Speed 00:01:52 336 28
10589 [11] [140] CYBER Riro Ron Prod. ATOLS Stamina RPG 8 00:01:23 140 11
Songlist last updated: 2025-01-14
Records 12,201-12,250 of 12,414
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.